de Lucca, Anthony J. et al. published their research in Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine in 2010 | CAS: 20324-33-8

1-((1-((1-Methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-ol (cas: 20324-33-8) belongs to ethers. Ether is less polar than esters, alcohols or amines because of the oxygen atom that is unable to participate in hydrogen bonding due to the presence of bulky alkyl groups on both sides of the oxygen atom. At room temperature, ethers are pleasant-smelling colourless liquids. Relative to alcohols, ethers are generally less dense, are less soluble in water, and have lower boiling points. They are relatively unreactive, and as a result they are useful as solvents for fats, oils, waxes, perfumes, resins, dyes, gums, and hydrocarbons. Vapours of certain ethers are used as insecticides, miticides, and fumigants for soil.Safety of 1-((1-((1-Methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-ol

Volatile profiles of toxigenic and non-toxigenic Aspergillus flavus using SPME for solid phase extraction was written by de Lucca, Anthony J.;Boue, Stephen M.;Carter-Wientjes, Carol H.;Bland, John M.;Bhatnagar, Deepak;Cleveland, Thomas E.. And the article was included in Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine in 2010.Safety of 1-((1-((1-Methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-ol This article mentions the following:

Toxigenic and atoxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus were grown on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and wetted (23% moisture) sterile, cracked corn for 14 and 21 days, resp. Volatile compounds produced by A. flavus, as well as those present in the PDA controls and sterile cracked maize, were collected using solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME) and identified by gas chromatog./mass spectrometry. Results show that growth substrate had a major impact on the number and type of volatiles detected. Growth on sterile cracked maize produced many more volatiles than did potato dextrose agar. There were also differences observed in the type of volatiles produced between toxigenic and non-toxigenic isolates, as well as between isolates of the same toxigenic grouping. In the experiment, the researchers used many compounds, for example, 1-((1-((1-Methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-ol (cas: 20324-33-8Safety of 1-((1-((1-Methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-ol).

1-((1-((1-Methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-ol (cas: 20324-33-8) belongs to ethers. Ether is less polar than esters, alcohols or amines because of the oxygen atom that is unable to participate in hydrogen bonding due to the presence of bulky alkyl groups on both sides of the oxygen atom. At room temperature, ethers are pleasant-smelling colourless liquids. Relative to alcohols, ethers are generally less dense, are less soluble in water, and have lower boiling points. They are relatively unreactive, and as a result they are useful as solvents for fats, oils, waxes, perfumes, resins, dyes, gums, and hydrocarbons. Vapours of certain ethers are used as insecticides, miticides, and fumigants for soil.Safety of 1-((1-((1-Methoxypropan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-yl)oxy)propan-2-ol

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem